What about dental implant surgery ?

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screwlike posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implant surgery can offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn’t fit well and can offer an option when a lack… Continue reading What about dental implant surgery ?

What about breast augmentation ?

Breast augmentation — also known as augmentation mammoplasty — is surgery to increase breast size. It involves placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles. For some women, breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it’s part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions. If you’re considering breast augmentation, talk… Continue reading What about breast augmentation ?

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of weight-loss surgery. Weight-loss surgery is also called bariatric surgery. This surgery also known as sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG). Gastric sleeve surgery restricts your food intake, which leads to weight loss. You may lose from 50 to 90 pounds. It’s done as a laparoscopic surgery, with… Continue reading What is gastric sleeve surgery?